Thursday, April 4, 2013


            Good evening, or rather, night! I have just now finished a lovely, simple headband intended for a girl in my math class who requested one. As I said, it is quite simple, but it came out rather exceptional.

            Here is the top view of my creation. I think I like the flower addition, myself.

            Here is another angle... It is a full circle, sewn together at the end. It is slipped over the head rather than buttoned like other headbands.

             And here is my model for this lovely piece of attire:

I love my lion.

            Here are a few pointers....
  • I used size 15 knitting needles
  • I used a thick black yarn for the main part, normal red yarn for the petals, and normal black yarn for the flower center and sewing.
  • I used a different type of stitching that I don't know the name of. When knitting a row, go for the second to the top loop instead of the top loop. Then after that go for the top loop. Repeat the process for the whole row. I hope that's explanatory enough...
  • For the flower, I used a cute little loom my most favorite secret seniors (a lovely band tradition that I won't explain now) gave me my freshman year of high school that is still useful today.
  • All sewing was done with a tapestry needle, as you may have guessed. Incredibly useful if you don't have one. I definitely recommend one.
Be brave!

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