Monday, April 30, 2012


    Today was an absolute knockout! Okay I might be exaggerating just a teensy little bit. But really, today was a great day. Why, do you ask? Well, whether or not you asked, I'm going to tell you anyways. It was nothing especially in particular, besides dancing, that was fantastic. It was more of all of the little things added up together to make the perfect day (all of the bummer-like things were disregarded and flicked to outer space)!
    We got a piece of music in band that is no longer produced, and is our high school graduation tradition. We are preparing for graduation, obviously. It's gonna be great! I love freshman year...
    You may have noticed that I said "dancing" up in the first paragraph. If not, it was line three, word five. In my Physical Education class, we are doing a unit on dancing! I'm so excited! I love dancing! We get in groups, or partners, or whatever, pick a song, choreograph a dance, then dance it at the end of the week! Most everyone else is doing some hiphop thing with a group of (average) five people, but I am doing a ballet duet with my friend.
     I used to take ballet lessons up until I was nine. I loved them. Then my mama died :( and my dad didn't have time to take me, so I quit. Well, I have time now, so I took up dancing again, only right now I'm in a catch-up class. My friend is already on pointe. I'm back in the game, baby! Okay, I won't say that again, it was kinda creepy.
     Anyways, I haven't danced like this in a long time, since the class I'm in is more of a "technique/exercise for people older than me" class, and we don't really do that kind of stuff. And when we do, it's not as hardcore, for lack of a better word. Not that PE class is hardcore. I'm so happy! Whoooo! Life is so amazing!
     One of my friends cut/almost shaved his head today. Just throwin' that out there.

     Be brave!

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