Monday, April 23, 2012

On a Hymnsong of Philip Bliss

   Today I had a spring concert for my high school's band in which I am a part of. We played three songs: Allied Honor composed by Karl L King, On a Hymnsong of Philip Bliss by David Holsinger, and Overture for Winds by Charles Carter. We did well, and I was pleased.
   On a Hymnsong of Philip Bliss (aka Philip Bliss) is based on a sad story. Its about Horatio Spafford, a man from the 1800s, and his family. He and his wife and four daughters had planned a trip to Europe by boat. Spafford could not go at the same time as his family due to some business delays, so he sent them ahead, planning to hop on a ship and get there a few days later. However, the ship his family was on sank, and all four of their daughters died. Spafford traveled across to grieve with his wife, and while passing the area in which his daughters died, was inspired to write "It Is Well with My Soul".
   Click here to hear the song (not by us, by North Texas Wind Symphony). Doesn't it have the best reed instrument part?

   Thanks for listening,

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