Sunday, May 13, 2012

Band Banquet

    Yaaay, the band banquet was astounding! We ate delicious food, and I got to see a lot of my friends and band buddies. I also saw my fourth grade teacher, who was like, the best, and will always have a special place in my heart. Her son plays the clarinet. :)
    There were lots of awards. There were the equivalent of homecoming court (Mr. Music, Band Queen, and their the minions for lower classes),  musicianship awards, fancy awards entitled with names (Ex: Chicken Smith awards), and senior passdowns. Those are where seniors give out their own awards they made to other band members, like the "Bubbly Award", because they themselves were bubbly, so they give another member something like bubbles. Lots of them also get passed down from generation to generation, like this year a senior gave bubbles to a junior, and next year the junior (who will be a senior) gives them to a sophomore, and when they're a senior.... And so on.
    I myself got a Senior Passdown award for being small! It's called the "Mini Award" and has been passed down since 2007. You can see all the names recorded on it. The award thing is a pack of mini Uno cards! The person who gave me it is really sweet and amazing. I'd tell you her name but you can't know that. :) Yay for being under five feet and in high school!

    Be brave!

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