Tuesday, May 8, 2012


    I was sad when lunch started today, but then I was cheered up my climbing a tree and running with my friend. :D Then I was even more happy because I was spared math homework. Then I was even happier because I was spared English homework, too! Finally, at the end of the day, I was so happy, all reason being totally lost on me. I was giving people high-fives. Two gave me a hug instead! :D
    This morning I got up extra early so I could turn in my registration forms for being a sophomore next year. Whooo, that makes me feel like a marshmellow! After that I was cracking puns for the rest of the day. For those of you who can't tell, I have a weird habit of making stupid jokes, hence the "Joke of the Day" thing to your right --->
    I dissected a frog today. Just throwin' that out there.

    Be brave (and happy)!

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