Thursday, May 3, 2012

Smells Like Summer!

   The world smells like cows. Literally, there are cows all around this part of the world in which I will not name. When the wind blows the right way, and you walk outside, bam! It hits you like a ton of bricks! That, combined with the undying heat reaching somewhere in the nineties (slightly cooler than some days), just makes life terrific. Really, because it feels like summer, which is my favorite time of the year. You just have to be prepared for days like that, like not wearing bright green boots and a pair of shorts that are too big for you, reach below your knees and make you look like a guy. Yeah, not very comfortable in ninety degree weather.
    I really love summer. It's not just the smell of cows, the incredibly unforgiving heat that makes you want to stick your head in the freezer, or the burns that come with it. It has swimming, and eating ham sandwiches in the shade. Not to mention ice cream, running, dancing and one of my very favorite parts of summer: Band camp!
    Ah, the days in which you leave the house around 8:00 in the morning, with big fly-eye sunglasses, shorts, tennies, and smelling like sunscreen. The whole morning outside marching, the sun on your back but more often your eyes, and sweat dripping down your back. It's really the very definition of bliss, and I'm not being sarcastic. I've missed it like crazy.
    My birthday is also in the summer, and large amounts of flies. They swarm in front of our back door each year, ready to ambush anyone who walks out and forgets they're there. It's challenging sometimes, remembering that if you open the door wider than just enough for you to fit through, you'll have some small creature batting at your head every time you sleep for weeks.
    This year went by quickly, and I can't believe that there are only 14 (or something) days until the earthly version of heaven is mine again! I got my registration forms, ideal schedule forms, course forms, course description papers and all that jazz today. There's just so much, it's overwhelming! I know that I'll be taking band, but haven't decided on most of the other stuff.
    Summer is gonna be great, friends.

    Be brave!

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